Who Are These Idiots?
CCYDNE came about after the original retail store (Santa Fe Military Hobbies, Cape Girardeau, MO) closed and a new name was needed. We spent a lot of time at military shows hearing, "I can't afford that stuff (pointing at items on a table next to ours)! Let's buy some of their cheap crap so I don't feel like I wasted a day!" Thus, a business was born. Also, it helps keep the owners from going crazy and being devoured by their own collections -- so we're passing the savings on to you!
We really don't have one, other than to make a lot of money, become famously wealthy and crush our enemies. But until all of that happens, we hope to provide quality (or something like it) products at reasonable prices for you, our customers. We understand the frustrations of finding that one-of-a-kind item and we hope to help make your search easier by offering a wide selection of products for you to spend your hard-earned money on.
We don't have any of those, either. Our indentured servants (otherwise known as the owners) are both military historians, collectors, and avid gamers. One has a BFA in graphic design (how else do you think we figured out how to do this!), formerly worked for a government agency that helps during disasters, and served as a Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Awareness Trainer. The other is a historical preservation graduate with over 30 years in the Army & Air National Guard who studied cinematography, engineering, and late-night partying as well as being part of the beginning of role-playing games while in college. Both have worked as newspaper editors and a number of other odd, disturbing jobs. They even owned a military surplus/roleplaying game store for 5 years. Then the Internet and eBay came along and the usual customers didn't need to come all the way downtown for a D&D or militaria fix. Now they are passing down their knowledge/expertise to their youngest son (eldest son graduated college and moved away, not that we blame him) who volunteers as a game "expert" as he decides what career field or minimum-wage job is more suitable for his skills.
Lebanon, Missouri is located along Route 66 (the Mother Road) and has a vast and varied history. Okay...actually, it was named Wyota after the local Indians (sorry, Native Americans) but was changed to Lebanon after a "highly respected minister" asked the town to rename it after his hometown in Tennessee. It is reported that Lebanon has "magnetic" water (fortunately our flatware doesn't all stick together in the sink) and the area was kind of bi-polar during the Civil War as Union and Confederate forces alternatively occupied the town. CCYDNE Hobbies is also located along Route 66 and easy to find. We're across the road from the Cowen Civic Center in the Chalet Village. Mention either of those names to the locals and they'll get ya' here.